Did you know?
Did you know that of all CDs ever released, speech holds the 11th position, being more popular than metal, hop-hop, latin, new age, rap, rock&roll, reggae, gospel and hundreds of others? Speech does not include comedy, which holds 50th place.
Did you know that the most popular genre is rock? It outperforms its closest competitors (which are pop and classical with almost equal popularity) 1.5 times! Jazz holds the 4th place and after that there's an abyss between it and folk, soundtrack, country, etc. It's interesting that rock does not include new wave, rock & roll, classic rock, folk-rock, all sorts of metal (which are also rock, but considered different genres here, on cdtrrracks.com). So, rock is the most popular music of this planet!
Did you know that over 2 millions of songs (about 4% of all songs ever) are written in first person, and half of that (about 1 million) are about love? All tracks with "I".
Did you know that the genre called "Top 40" is in the top 100 of genres? Other "Top N" genres, such as "Top 10", "Top 100" are much much less popular. At the same time, Google search founds that "Top 10" and "Top 100" are 2.5 times more popular than "Top 40". Probably "Top 40" cds are more common because double CD usually contains something around 40 of typical 3-5-minutes-long tracks.
Did you know that 10th most popular word in track names is DON? But this is not related to Don Corleone or Don Juan. It's because "DON" is a part of "don't". All tracks with DON in their names.
Did you know that of all human parts only HEART and EYES are are in Top 100 of all words used in song names? Everything else did not make it to the Top 100, but we all know what men think about when singing about women eyes ;) All tracks where heart opens its eyes.
Did you know that BWV is the 68th most popular word used for track names? And this is not a German car. It is an abbreviation for Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis (Bach Works Catalogue). It is a system for the numbering of all known works of Johann Sebastian Bach. For example, his most famous composition “Toccata and Fugue in D minor” (tadadaaaaaa-tadararadaaaa-daaaa) is known as BWV565. Imagine, how many tracks did JSB wrote, if he is still in Top 100 more than 260 years after passing away. All tracks by old Bach.
Did you know that the list of the most popular words used in track names is a rare example of sociality? GIRL is higher than BOY, GOOD is higher than BAD, BLACK is higher than WHITE, LITTLE is higher than BIG, OLD is higher than YOUNG, etc. The only exeption is MY being higher than YOUR. Self comes first and there's no public without personal. All tracks where my and yours go together.
Did you know that classics rule? The Top 100 of all words used in track names has a bunch of words, that are related to classic, starting with ALLEGRO which is on 11th place. All allegro of our collection.